When applied using the physical vapor deposition coating process it is commonly used for coating medical devices, industrial parts (notably drill bits), aerospace components and other parts subject to high wear and corrosive environments. Zirconium Nitride (ZrN) is a hard ceramic material similar to titanium nitride and is a cement-like refractory material.
Solid Carbide Countersinks for Composite Materials. Carbide-Tipped Drills for Face Frame Machines. Drill Bits, Auger Bits, other Drilling Accessories. Carbide Tipped Bits for Domino®, Joining Machine for Festool®. Carbide Tipped Countersinks and Counterbores. Carbide-Tipped Boring Bits (Dowel Drills). Shaper Cutter Replacement Parts, Accessories. Carbide-Tipped Raised Panel Shaper Cutters. Carbide-Tipped Stile Rail Shaper Cutter Sets. Carbide-Tipped Tongue Groove Shaper Cutter Sets. Ditec 2000 Super Long Lasting Saw Blades. Mamba Contractor Series Thin Kerf Saw Blades. Festool and Other Track Saw Machine Compatible Saw Blades.
Diamond Saw Blades for Concrete and Masonry. Crain Toe-Kick & Undercut Saw Blades, Roberts Jamb Undercut Saw Blades. Contractor Blades for Portable Machines-Thin Kerf. Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) Cutting Saw Blade Sets. Contractor Blades for Stationary Machines-Thin Kerf. Laminate, Plywood, MDF & Chipboard Cutting Saw Bladess. Aluminum Cutting Carbide Tipped Saw Blades. Free Vectric® and Fusion 360™ CNC Tool Files. Stainless Steel Metal Cutting Router Bits End Mills & Burr Bits.
Spoilboard Surfacing, Rabbeting, Flycutter, Leveler, Surface Planer and Bed Skimming Insert Bits. Solid Carbide Honeycomb Cardboard Router Bits. Solid Carbide Insert Replacement Knives - Economy.
Solid Carbide Insert Replacement Knives. Signmaking, Lettering & Engraving Bits, V-Groove & Miter Fold Router Bits. Multi 3-Wing Slot Cutter Router Bit Sets. Double Edge Folding V-Groove Router Bit Set for Aluminum Composite Material (ACM). Cabinet Door & Door Making Router Bit Sets. Instile & Rail Adjustable Router Bit Sets. Solid Carbide 2D and 3D Carving Ball Nose, ZrN Coated, CNC Router Bit Sets. Aluminum, Steel & Plastic Cutting CNC Router Bit Sets. Metal Clad Door Making Bits for Door Machines. In-Tech Insert Knive System Router Bits. In-Plastic CNC Insert Cut & Quad Chamfer System Router Bits.
Honeycomb Composite Cutting Router Bits. High Precision Spring Collets, Extensions, Adapters Holders and Retaining Studs for CNC Machines. Guitarmaking Luthier Router Bits & Saw Blades. EZ-Change Replaceable Head Router Bits (Replaces Ocemco). Compression Spiral and Spiral Solid Carbide Router Bits. Chamfering & Profiling CNC Insert Router Bits. Carving CNC 2D and 3D Carve Router Bits. Architectural & Furniture Molding Router Bits. ACM Aluminum Composite Material Scoring Router Bits. SPEKTRA™ EXTREME LIFE COATED ROUTER BITS.